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Semi-automatic backend switch, from hard code to low code

Is this even possible? Yes! Recent technology breakthroughs enable a copy/paste of hard coded integrations & automations into low code. The Chills backend migrates your traditional hard coded backend into a low code one. This means a simple, safe and low-cost migration to a backend build on low code technology increasing the speed and flexibility of your data management dramatically. How? Continue reading below!

From hard code to low code

The decision to switch from hard code to low code

Most backends are written in hard code. It is a black box for the decision-makers on the business side and changing technology is not very attractive. The safest bet is to do nothing. But this means only surviving, while competition and new start-ups embrace the low code technology, and they will reduce your market share.

All integrations, automations, and data processing we call data flow, are written in hard coding. This is critical for your daily operation. Every change in this hard code backend goes through a thorough process of writing, testing, and releasing. Migrating the digital core of your organisation to a new technology is therefore a sensitive, but necessary endeavour. Below we describe how a controlled and gradual migration to a low code backend is realised.

Hard code to low code migration in practise

Chills has divided all hard-coded backend functionality in three low code layers; Backend access a.k.a. API’s, Adapter management and Data Flow creation.

  • Backend access means access to datasources, often through API’s, to extract data and to load it to the destination datasource

  • Adapter management specifies how and for which purpose two datasources are connected.

  • Data Flow creation where so-called Steps; Events, Tools and Actions are connected with lines creating the required data flow

For the migration from hard code to low code all API’s and Adapters must be re-created. Using the graphical interface with drag & drop functionality makes it an inspiring exercise. Get an impression by watching this video from minute 0.55.

Data Flow creation

After an Adapter is set up you create the Data Flow within this Adapter. A Data Flow is created using a sequence of pre-made low code Steps connected by graphical lines. One Step in this Data Flow is the Action.

Opening the Action enables access to meta data and parameters, to be changed at any time.

Opening the Action also enables the copy/paste of hard coding from an existing backend. Hard code can also be written from scratch or re-written.

This Action feature is where the automatic migration is realised. Complete blocks of hard coding can be copied and pasted in an Action, tested, saved and released.

Start with one data flow to test the technology and Chills’ user friendliness. Make a step-by-step plan to gradually switch your backend from hard code to the new low code technology. You gain experience, understand how Chills works and the value it delivers. When completed many more benefits become available.

Benefits after the migration

Your Intellectual Property

The uniqueness of your organisation, with the digital future in mind, is stored in hard coding and is your digital Intellectual Property. Every customer operates a unique Chills backend and is the legal owner of all hard and low coding (IP) created.

Data Flow testing

When completed and saved the entire Data Flow including the Action is tested in Chills running parallel to your existing backend. The testing requires no additional setup and is safe and without additional costs.

Chills low code explanation

We call Chills a low code backend is because it both automates hard coding but still allows access to hard coding in an Action. Read more about hard, low or no coding.

Reuse of Actions

Actions created on the low code backend can be re-used in any other Adapter. The contents: meta data, parameters and hard coding can be changed independent from the original Action.


Be inspired to start a digital transformation using low code and read the Dynamic Integrations article “Compete with yourself to transform”. This describes a digital transformation concept to build a future proof organisation built on new technologies.

Bård Øvrebø - CTO & Fredrik De Vries - CEO


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