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What is a low code backend?

All programmed commands creating data flows between databases is called a backend. These commands are written in hard code and located in the cloud / on servers. A low code backend performs the same functions, has the same location but is highly efficient and effective compared to a traditional backend.

Nearly every backend is built on hard coding making it hard to control, demanding a lot of management attention and delivers unpredictable results. The involved people do their utmost and the processes around updates and releases are optimised. Still when constructed around the outdated hard code technology, breakthroughs in efficiency and effectiveness will not happen.

A low code backend delivers the same output much faster at a lower cost and is easy to maintain. The processes for improved data flows and updated API’s can be simplified, speeding up digital transformation. Developers apply their current knowledge and identical programming skills in the low code backend lowering the investment threshold significantly.

A low code backend fills the gap between business and IT by visualising the dataflows in an application. This brings business and IT together creating the collaboration needed to step on the path towards digitalisation.

Integrations and automations in a traditional backend

Hard coded backend, As-Is situation

Organisations have many applications supporting their business processes. This so-called Common Application Environment (CAE) is hosted on servers often at various physical locations. Much effort and budgets are dedicated to transfer data between these applications. To transfer this data automatically, hard coded integrations are built becoming the so-called backend.

For decades, these integrations have been built using hard code technology. It creates integrations and is literally hard coded, meaning hard to change. This inflexibility is becoming a significant problem due to the increasing rate of change organisations must adapt to. Time is running out and pressure increases, making the current gap between business and IT clearly visible.

Low code backend – the automation of hard coding

Low coded backend, To-Be situation

A low code technology backend uses no hard coding developing integrations and automations through a graphical user interface. Creating dataflows using a mix of pre-made low code functionality and self-developed tools like actions. The traditional backend can gradually be phased out.

Low code technology can be summarised as: “The automation of hard coding”.

A low code backend literally fills up the gap between business and IT. They design together new data flows, the business requires. The graphical user interface enables creation, storage, and updates of all low-coded data flows. A low code backend functions as a map visualising the business information highway.

A low coded backend sits on top of hard coding hosted by any service provider. This type of backend combines the best of both applications, and server hosting. It is visual like an application, but the costs are usage dependent. The more data flows developed, the more processor capacity required to drive these data flows. The amount of data processed through each flow is also a cost driver.


Management of data and data flows become increasingly important. Using a low code backend delivers the following benefits:

1. Hard code replacement with a new low code technology speeding up digitalisation.

2. Enabling the continuous change of business requirements displayed in graphical user interface flows.

3. Collaboration between Business & IT being a prerequisite for digitalisation.

4. Insights emerge how to become a data centric organisation.

Reducing cost and learning how to work with digital processes requires investment in new skills, reshaping the organisation and its decision-making structures. A low code backend investment is a first concrete step enabling process, people and organisational changes.

Bård Øvrebø CTO & Fredrik The Frisian CEO


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