The printing press invention caused revolutions. It enabled the spreading of news quickly without interference of the church, who had the monopoly on the written word. This technology contributed to the renaissance period during the 15th and 16th century, sounding the beginning of the end for Middle Ages powers.
We see an equal renaissance (rebirth) in the dominant computing technology current hampering the democratic use and speed of development towards the digital era. A limited no of computer experts possess sufficient hard coding knowledge to automate business processes and execute data processing. In addition, hard coding consumes large amounts of management resources, time and budget irrespective of the industry.
Low code and other emerging technologies shape a renaissance throwing societies into a new paradigm. Throwing, because it will not be a walk in the park. Like every paradigm shift all stable factors become unstable: relations, stores of value, definition of trust, trust in what, growing & changing culture and much more. This rebuilding and reshaping cause societies evolve in what eventually becomes the digital era.
The impact of low code as one of the technologies will be so big because it affects data. Data is the future’s core asset because the digital space exists parallel to the physical space and is totally build upon and dependant on data. Every business, institute and organisation will have their core in data. When the data management and processing is simplified and made accessible for the people at large the magnitude and speed of changes will be unprecedented.

Digital renaissance effects
The whole scope of technologies like block chain, Artificial Intelligence, low coding, 3D printing and more will disrupt entire societies. Since the global community is connected
and everyone has access to these technologies, it will be a global disruption resulting in a paradigm shift. This blog focuses on low code technology impact, used in a Backend solution for organisations.
Programming democratisation
Low code simplifies hard coding enabling nearly anyone to make database integrations and process automations. Experts can focus on the complicated programming tasks within the same backend. This reduces your dependency on limited available expertise. Simultaneously is a larger pool with citizen developers becoming available resulting a significant programming budget reduction.
A leaner organisation
A low code backend creates dataflows between applications and automates repetitive human activities. This combined with low code platforms to create adaptable applications reducing the workforce to an even greater extend. But also new roles are emerging demanding independency, responsibility and decision-making rights. The remaining people can operate the business directly and require little to no management making the decisions for them. What they do need is leadership.
Hierarchy tilting
Downsizing the hierarchy is a necessity, organisation cannot escape. Hierarchies becomes too costly, their added value is unclear and its controlling function prevents important decisions to be made fast. This potentially has a detrimental effect on primarily younger people who understand the workings of a digital organisation. Maintaining the old hierarchies clinging to control can result in young skilful people leaving, jeopardising an organisations’ existence.
The main challenge
Will people be able to adapt themselves and their organisations to this new reality? Your future is not decided by the technological opportunities but by your ability to change your mindset.
Digitalisation i.e. agility as end result
All these steps, partly overlapping, executed in a transformation programme result in the digital organisation enabling a fast adaptation to an equally fast changing environment since everyone is using these new technologies. This digitalisation unfolds in stages, has consequences and there for managerial challenges.
Use your imagination!
Imagine the impact on society when all organisations use a low code data management tool. Imagine the impact of all new technologies, being simultaneously implemented, in business, institutes and organisations reshaping our societies.
Fredrik The Frisian CEO & Bård Øvrebø CTO